Yesterday, I found my treasury. My long long long time ago project. Of course it's not my crochet project, but it was my cross stitch project.
Long time ago, when I was a child, elementary cute litlle girl. I really love to make something with thread and needle. cross stitch.
I learnt how to cross stitch from my grandma, and here they are some of my creation... (they hide and shining behind the dust, hehe)
japanese girl.
oh ya, my mom also like to make cross stitch. And she frame her creation and hanging on the wall as our home decoration.. here some of my mom handmade
I want to give my cross stitch a frame too so I can hanging them on the wall.
Icha, bagus bangeut. Yang punya mama juga bagus-bagus.
BalasHapushaturnuhun bu pingkan,, saya baru sadar klw ternyata dari jaman esde saya suka berkreasi dengan benang dan jarum ^^
BalasHapuspola xstitch bisa diaplikasiin ke rajutan loh Cha
BalasHapusayo coba pake teknik intarsia ;)
ini baru mau belajar intarsia mba,,, mau berguru sama mba linda,, tapi kopdar maret kemarin mba lindanya gak dateng ^^