Iam very happy because so many good event happen to me
This month, After all this time, through sadness and happiness, I finally finished my Undergraduate study (S1) at Universitas Gadjah Mada, faculty Biology.
And last tuesday (februari 21) I went through graduation ceremony..
Here is some of the picture :
with family
lovely friends
Tomorrow, I will be back to my hometown in Bekasi (West Java). Get a job and continue my crochet hobby.
I will be sad to leave Jogja, the city which I have stayed for more than 5 years, and will leave my friends there as well..
but Life must go on right??
but Life must go on right??
Hope, I can come back to Jogja soon, maybe continue my Study?
Ohh, i hope so..
now, I have to pack all of my stuff.
see you soon everybody
Have a nice weekend ^^
Congrat, Icha ! Semoga dengan segala keberhasilanmu, dikau makin shalihat sesuai namamu. Amiin
BalasHapusSelamat ya Icha. Semoga sukses selalu.
BalasHapus@ bu esti & bu pingkan : maturnuwun bu atas doanya ^^
BalasHapuswaah..selamat atas kelulusan icha :)
BalasHapusmaturnuwun mba rika ^^
HapusSelamat ya dek icha...sukses
BalasHapusWah alumni bio udah 3 orang yang buka usah craft ne...
Lanjutkan. Goodluck ya...
wuah ketemu mba arnia di dunia blog...
Hapusiya mba, temen2 ku seangkatan juga sebenernya ada beberapa yang usaha craft selain aku dan rani.. tapi blum ada blognya,
semoga sukses ya mba, saling mendoakan ^^
selamat ya ichaaa :)
BalasHapussukses selalu..
maturnuwun mba cita ^^
Hapussukses juga untuk mba cita..