Senin, 30 April 2012

first dress

baju nya sudah jadi beberapa hari yang lalu, tapi baru sempet posting sekarang. nih dia hasil jerih payah selama 3 minggu ngerajut. eng ing eng....
bajunya sengaja saya buat panjang, karena sehari2 kan saya berjilbab,, jadi bisa lebih terlihat deh ^^ bajunya pake motif nanas yang beberapa waktu lalu saya pelajari. klw dilihat dari dekat beginilah motifnya..
kali ini saya cukup salut sama diri saya sendiri, betah ngerjain satu project yang lama banget, udah melewati fase bosen-semangat-bosen-semangat berkali-kali, tapi akhirnya jadi juga deh, hehe. baru pertama kali ini saya pake benang rayon,, hemmm, lembutnya... cocok banget buat rajutan pakai (wearable), karena sifatnya yang lembut, adem, dan 'jatuh' saat dikenakan, total habisnya benang 11 gulung, per gulungnya ada 50gram, jadi lumayan berat kan bajunya?? tapi saya tetep suka.. rasanya gimanaaa gitu pake baju rajutan tangan sendiri ^^ gimana menurut temen2?
terus berkarya dan bersemangat ^^


Rabu, 18 April 2012


iseng-iseng tengah malem (jam di laptop menunjukkan 23.40), udah mulai agak2 bosen nih dengan proyek rajutan yang lagi saya kerjain. Sejauh ini udah menghabiskan 7gulung benang viscose rayon, dan 10 harian pengerjaan. So, malem ini iseng deh mau upload sejauh mana perjalanan project nya,, ini dia fotonya :

Fotonya gelap, di foto malem2 dan pake hape pula sih,, jadinya gelap deh ^^.
oia, saya paling suka ngerajut sambil nonton di depan laptop, biasanya sih yang di tonton drama korea, hehe. menurut saya efektif, rajutan jalan hobi nonton pun jalan. ya gak?

segitu aja dulu postingan saya kali ini..
Goodnite and have a nice dream ya friend ^^


ps : besok murid2 saya UN pelajaran Biologi, saya berharap banget mereka bisa ngerjain soal2nya dengan lancar dan hasilnya memuaskan. amiiin.

Senin, 16 April 2012

my cross stitch

Hello again friends,,

Yesterday, I found my treasury. My long long long time ago project. Of course it's not my crochet project, but it was my cross stitch project.
Long time ago, when I was a child, elementary cute litlle girl. I really love to make something with thread and needle. cross stitch.
I learnt how to cross stitch from my grandma, and here they are some of my creation... (they hide and shining behind the dust, hehe)

japanese girl.

santa mickey mouse. Actually, I wanted to give this to my christian friends birthday, but I don't know why the cross stitch still in my hand... hehehe.

oh ya, my mom also like to make cross stitch. And she frame her creation and hanging on the wall as our home decoration.. here some of my mom handmade

I want to give my cross stitch a frame too so I can hanging them on the wall.


Jumat, 13 April 2012

What I've been doing lately

hola friends, gutten morgen ^^

what I've been doing lately?
was Ich habe in letzter Zeit gemacht?

yup, this is my first post in April... hohoho. What I've been doing not updating my blog?

nothing special actually, just some routine activity. but, I have some new activity since i moved back to my hometown in Bekasi.
Me and my mom always do morning excercise three times a week after our subuh prayer. my mom said this activity can make our body healthy. So, we promised our self to do that, usually we excercise by following instructor from our newest aerobic DVD.
I hope it can make my body a bit slimmer, hehehe

And now I teach Biology for senior high school. Next week will be their final exam for my students. I hope they success in this exam ^^.

 I also join Germany language course in Goethe Institute since last week, continuing my Deutsch lesson in Jogja. I think this is one of my preparation if I want study in Germany (Ich moechte in Deutschland studieren. Germanistik oder Deutsch als Fremdsprache). Oh, I hope someday my dreams will come true.
I always go to Goethe Institute by train, so I have another time for crocheting (while riding the train of course, hehe).

and about my crochet project... Me and my mom, we have a new project. Since She can't crocheting, but she can sew and design. So, we are colaborating for this project. My mom design the project (by looking at my crochet book, and then mix and match the pattern, which is I can't do -___-  and decide what I should crochet). And I of course, do what my mom said and crochet the yarns.. we will make a dress (or vest. we don't know yet, hehehe).
And if this project success, I want to ask my mom to teach me how to sew.
and here it is our project so far....

How about you my friends? hope, you're all doing fine and always have a beautiful day ^^
